All things considered, things are pretty relaxed around these parts. Over the weekend, we made chicken noodle soup (for our bellies, not our souls so much). We like chicken noodle soup.
Carrots, we are fans.
I knit like it was my job (coincidentally, I also ignored laundry, so it was a win-win for me). I like to knit.
And Papa Seal and the Seal Pup went to a basketball game at CGA. The Papa Seal, he likes basketball.
Anders did pretty much everything except watch the basketball game (and there is something to see, the Bears are doing pretty good this year, those in the know, well, they know this is a pretty big deal).
He hung out with his pal Gherkin (always a good time). Anders likes hanging out with his homeboys, er boy.
He had Gherkin's mom read him a book (at the basketball game, people). We like to "book read."
He searched for useful things ( pacifiers. Sigh.) in his backpack. He really likes his "binks."
And he pretty much walked around like he owned the place. He likes to rock the house like he owns it.
During half time, Papa Seal took the Pup to watch the swimming and diving meet happening at the pool; he was fascinated. Kelly tried to get him to leave for the second half of the basketball game, but he was all about the swimming. Kelly said it was like he was watching Thomas the Tank Engine or Super Why!, but with more interest (we did not know this was even possible). So our kid's sport of choice is swimming. It figures. That's right, he likes swimming.
Tomorrow night starts some fun holiday festivities for us. We are going to go to some Academy-sanctioned holiday fun, parties (did someone say Santa?), light shows...and then there are the Christmas cards. Need I say it? We like Christmas.