Thursday, April 16, 2009
oh, look. cuteness.
But SP1.0, of course, is not to be outdone.
I may be biased, but I think these kids are pretty cute.
Monday, April 13, 2009
easter a-go-go
SP1 did ask where the eggs were however. So upon our return to Connecticut, Papa had to go and find some. Shockingly, he found a grocery store open and bought some eggs for dyeing.
As we ate some of our newly dyed eggs, SP1 wished me a Happy Easter, it was pretty cute. But not as cute as this:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
in memoriam
Upon hearing about his passing, we packed the mini-van for a return trip to Pensacola, Florida and drove for 25 hours. As sad as the occasion was, I have to say, it was an opportunity to get together with family. I was able to see family members that I haven't seen in years.
I was able to take my kids to some of the great places my dad took me to growing up.
But most importantly, and probably what would please my father the most, I was able to grow a little closer to my two half-sisters (let's just call them sisters, shall we?) who live in Miami.
the expression on SP2's face is priceless
When I was growing up, I was pretty close to my cousins, so it was pretty great that SP1 got a chance to spend time with cousins he had never met before.
He spent a ton of time with the girls (which isn't so shocking, really, he does like girls, afterall).
My dad's funeral was lovely. He always said he wanted something simple (yes, he did talk about his wishes, before hand...morbid, but true) and he wanted a veteran's burial as was his due. I think his girls were able to achieve that for him.
I will miss my dad a great deal. It will be strange to not have my dad to report good news to, I always puffed up a little when he told me he was proud of me. The things I will miss most however are his jokes; the sounds of his laughter (he really did live up to his name, Isaac--he laughs in Hebrew); and his birthday phone calls which usually came two months after my actual birthday (he didn't always remember that I was born two months prematurely).
As sad as I am, I have some really great memories of my dad to cherish; and, those memories will always make me smile.
a birthday, belated
As our family tradition dictates, the birthday prince/king (there are no princesses as we have no girls save me, and no one bakes cakes for me, really) gets to choose his cake. SP1 said he wanted a "strawberry cake." Which really, could be anything. I took it literally and made him, well, a strawberry cake.
We had two parties on his actual birthday. First there was the celebration at school.
The Pup's favorite present was the yoga mat he asked us for a month before his birthday. No, seriously.
carpe diem
After spending some time with my dad, we went down to Orlando for a day at the Magic Kingdom, it was just a taste really.