Saturday, December 31, 2011

so, this was christmas

Every year, we always think that we have overdone it just a little...and every year, we are right, really.
We were able to get some "buy in" when it came to Santa..."Santa brings presents to little girls and boys who believe in him."  Just trying to extend the magic, I guess.
So, yes, Christmas was merry and all that.  Pups were royally spoiled.  Papa got a whole bunch of stuff he didn't know he needed plus a lot that he did.  And, I got stuff that will in some way increase my productivity or my general well-being.  In regards to the consumer-side of Christmas, we did okay.
In terms of the reason for the season, we spent Christmas Eve at the children's service at church which always proves to be entertaining.
We hope your Christmases or Hannakahs were happy, merry and bright.
More pictures and video in flickr.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

pups in portraiture

When looking at Christmas cards in the stores this year, I noticed that selection has gone way down.  People just aren't doing Christmas cards anymore, that's a general statement, because we still do.  A lot of people have moved to the picture card, which is good, less waste, I suppose.  I tend to send the pictures that people send out, but it's probably more an extension of what I spend my work day doing anyway.  In any case, we are old school: card, letter, picture.  We updated the letter to a timeline this year, but we still had a picture (see above).  The portrait of the Pups was the main shot for the year.  I might be biased (since I took it) but I think it's a fantastic shot.
I tend to go for portraiture without the trimmings of holiday accoutrement.  It's usually a better option for year round display...just my opinion; but, there you are.
I did a lot of shots in the studio over the last three months. It was a fun challenge to learn about studio lighting and photographic lighting in general.  I will pop more shots in the flickr site since I know the grandparents like it when that happens.
Part of taking so many shots in the studio was getting shots that were, basically, "misses".  I collected them and will put some of those in the flickr site as well, because some of them are just funny.  Here is one of my favorites, because, honestly, I have no idea what they are doing or why they are doing it.
We also did an outdoors family picture as well (the capture of which was so painful, I can not even begin to articulate it in this venue).  But hey, memories, I guess.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

conversations with santa

So here is a brief synopsis of our visit with Santa this year.
Santa with SP 2.0:
Santa:Have you been a good boy this year, young man?
SP 2.0: No.
Santa: Well, if you haven't been good, then why should you get presents?
SP 2.0: .... [insert maniacal laughter here]
Santa: Oh, well, what do you want for Christmas?
SP 2.0: I want presents. Lots of presents. And Christmas decorations, 'specially nutcrackers. I like nutcrackers. And presents.
Santa: OK, very well then.

And Santa's interaction with Pup, the Elder, after he clued all the other children in line about the Santa myth and how Santa is not really real, which was, as you can imagine, awesome.

SP 1.0: You're not any realler than last year; but, your beard is better this year.
Santa: What do you want for Christmas?
SP 1.0: My mom told me to tell you what I wanted, but I'm pretty sure she and Daddy already got everything. They have been hiding presents in the basement.
Santa: So what would you like for Christmas this year?
SP 1.0: More legos. A wallet. And more paper. I want the legos to be spaceship legos.
Santa: I will see what I can do. Have a Merry Christmas!
SP 1.0: Oh, I will!!
Even though SP 1.0 has been trying to explain to his brother that Santa isn't really real, SP 2.0 will maintain belief in any person, place, or thing, that will serve as a source for gift acquisition. If we have learned anything from all of this, it is this: Seal Pup the younger, his loyalties can be bought.

Friday, December 16, 2011

xmas prep, the 2011 edition

After we celebrated Seal Pup 2.0's birthday, we immediately kicked things in gear for Christmas preparations.  We pulled out the fake mini-tree and all the decorations.
We got a tree (a real one from our usual tree farm).
And in the vein of "we did it because we could" (or really, because we were told to), we went to New York to have lunch with my mom.
It was a two grandmother kind of day!
And then we went back home and decorated the tree.
Christmas, we are ready for you.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Most Esteemed Son #2 turned 3 today. It was a big deal. There was a party at school. And then there was a PAR-TAY at home (no, I don't know what the difference is either--besides desperate grasping for hipster status and the other being, well, English). We had fun. And, of course, HE had fun. So there we are.
Photos and (more) video in flickr.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

gobble (x2)

Did you have a good Thanksgiving? We did (until we didn't). Papa's sister and her family came for a quick visit (and a Thanksgiving feast of epic proportions). There was much screaming from ecstatic children and much eating of food (there was not so much picture taking, but there you are).

Instead of shopping deals and steals over the weekend, I decided it would be a good idea to twist my ankle and spend a few hours in the local ER (which, well, awesome). After I finished with the crutches, I wrenched my back and now I am in physical therapy, just in time to allow birthday fun for Seal Pup 2.0 to ensue. My timing, it is legendary.