Tuesday, January 31, 2012

first birthday of 2012!

Every year, Papa tries to find new ways to downplay the importance of his birthday, and every year, we defeat his efforts. This year, we did really well, because the universe conspired to help us celebrate his birthday for a couple of days.  Between school and work schedules...we just had to drag the celebration out to three days.
It was fun!  And he finally asked for a cake that was not made from a boxed mix this year.  It was a fabulous concoction of decadent chocolate and Raspberry European Buttercream that took a really long time to make, but it was delicious and he enjoyed it.
It was a good day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

where there is snow, there is fun?

Over the past weekend we got some snow.  It wasn't really supposed to be that much; but, well, it was enough to make work for the grown ups and provide entertainment for the kids (mostly of the sledding variety, but they think shoveling snow is fun, too--oh, would that they hold on to this ridiculous notion)
 I don't really care for the whole snow bunny bit, to be honest.  But since Papa is going away next week (to someplace sunny and warm, I feel compelled to add), we figured it was a good idea for me to learn how to use the snow blower.  So, I now have a new skill--removing snow with a power tool, which is important...especially if it snows and I am the only one available to de-snow our driveway. So, get excited
After my new snow blowing skills were sufficiently demonstrated I went back inside where it was warm to watch everyone else mess about in the snow.  Now that is how you spend a snow day.
 More snowy pictures in flickr.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

just your atypical day in new england

Over the last few weeks we have been having unseasonably warm weather in New England.  At this time last year, we were buried in snow.  This year, not so much. 
It was so warm over the weekend (60 degrees F) that we played outside (without jackets!) for a few hours.
We aren't complaining about the weather at all, but it's a little weird.  Just an observation.  A few more shots in flickr.http://www.flickr.com/photos/wanderingseals/

Sunday, January 1, 2012

...and a happy new year

We aren't really much for raucous midnight celebrations to ring in the new year.  The casual observer would easily be able to figure out that we are actually quite boring when it comes to saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.  Our biggest accomplishment on New Year's Day was cleaning up the house and making a ton of bubbles in a tub.  This is okay, I think.  Overall, 2011 was great, 2012 will be great, too.
Since I know that my mom checks this site multiple times on a daily basis, I resolve to do more frequent updates.  How's that? 

Happy New Year!