Over the past weekend we got some snow. It wasn't really supposed to be
that much; but, well, it was enough to make work for the grown ups and provide
entertainment for the kids (mostly of the sledding variety, but they think
shoveling snow is fun, too--oh, would that they hold on to this ridiculous
I don't really care for the whole snow bunny bit, to be honest. But since
Papa is going away next week (to someplace sunny and warm, I feel compelled to
add), we figured it was a good idea for me to learn how to use the snow blower.
So, I now have a new skill--removing snow with a power tool, which is
important...especially if it snows and I am the only one available to de-snow
our driveway. So, get excited
After my new snow blowing skills were sufficiently demonstrated I went back
inside where it was warm to watch everyone else mess about in the snow. Now
that is how you spend a snow day.
More snowy pictures in