Tuesday, August 28, 2007

happiness is...

...taking advantage of every second of summer you can squeeze in.

Wait. Wait. How does this work again?
We had a lot of fun over the past weekend (despite being sick). We went to a party (in Niantic, CT) to celebrate some engineers passing their professional exams (sounds geeky, but it was fun); and we went to see some friends of ours renew their vows in honor of their 40th anniversary. Forty years of wedded bliss? Now, THAT is happiness.
They threw themselves a party at their home in Gales Ferry, CT, which, really, is the thing to do when you have been married for 40 years.

There were fun beverages and food.
And there were kids to play with.

Notice who is a ball hog...
And a fun dog.
Run doggy, run. For your safety, stay away from the kid!!

A much loved dog.

It was a good and happy weekend. Just what we needed to prep for a busy and scary week ahead.

The Mama Seal has a "business" trip coming up and will be leaving the boys at home...alone. For 4 days. Pray for us.
How innocent and sweet do I look? Heh.
My mum will miss me and my dad will want to pull his hair out in a few days.
But really, I am so fun!


1 comment:

The "M" Family said...

I'm sure Anderson will be fine...it's Kelly I'm worried for. I'll pray for Kelly--ha ha!

Love the pictures of my little nephew! Dru loves looking at Anders' pics...