The Pup celebrated his second birthday and it was 8 days of fun.
The normal celebration of birthday week was extended to 8 days after we realized that Papa Seal had a class to attend on the day of his birthday. An extra day of celebration? No problem!
We did all sorts of fun stuff. There were lots of presents to be sure (because what would a birthday be without presents?!) and there were, of course, parties.The normal celebration of birthday week was extended to 8 days after we realized that Papa Seal had a class to attend on the day of his birthday. An extra day of celebration? No problem!
I took a page from my mom's playbook and took party hats and B&J's ice cream cups to his school during snack time on his actual birthday (I was told that the kid's don't actually like cupcakes; since my time is valuable I asked what exactly they do like and purchased accordingly). It was really fun.
Besides being told that my earrings were pretty, one kid told me that I was a "really cool mom" and another said I "made his whole week."
Seriously, if I can get all that from $20 worth of ice cream and party hats, I am more than happy to cater to this activity every week!
It was really fun.
Birthday night was a quiet evening at home until Kelly came home from class. Anders got to open his "big" present.
But I think he liked putting the present together more.
In order to really set the tone for celebration I made a birthday banner with a bunch of felt.
A fun activity that Anders "helped" me with throughout the week (if you call rubbing Play-Doh scissors against felt "helping," but there you are--if you are interested in the details of the banner go here.)
We capped the celebration off last night with a party, it was really great (there were party hats and balloons, lots of both).
It doesn't get any better than party hats, balloons and meatballs, people.
As you can imagine, there are so many pictures of this auspicious event in flickr, you may never want to see a picture of the Pup again...or not...
Happy Birthday, Big Boy! We sure wished we lived closer to you so that we could celebrate!
Happy Belated Birthday! Time flies too fast:-)
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