Tuesday, March 17, 2009

on the road again

The real inaugural trip for our mini-van, aka Rocket, aka the Bus, aka the Mom-mobile was a trip to southern climes involving grandparents, a childhood friend and her kids and a mouse.

For the sake of sanity, I am breaking this into two posts. Our first destination was Suwanee, Georgia, because that is where my mom lives.
She was glad to see me and everything, but really, it was all about the pups.

She (my mom, aka Halmoni-grandmother in Korean) bought a house and it had a swing set in the back.

There were also rings, because every parent loves it when their kids expose themselves to hazardous playground equipment. Luckily, my mom's husband was on safety watch.

It was a big yard perfect for running around; or, playing golf with your Hadabogee (grandfather in Korean).

We also had a chance to meet up with a childhood friend I have always thought of as a sister.

It was great getting our kids together. It's like they were old friends.

We took them to the aquarium--the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta...I think it's the biggest in the the world? I have no idea, it was large. As you can imagine, there were fish.
The kids were very impressed with the marine life.

They had a ton of fun. There was great debate over whether the jellyfish swim up and down or down and up and in and out. Right. They were pretty much saying the same thing, but whatever.

It was a good family thing to do (SP2.0 is sleeping--out of the shot. You snooze, you lose in this family--also, this is, quite possibly, the cheesiest "cheese" face that SP1.0 has).

Then we said goodbye to my mom and packed up for more adventures further south.

The bits I left out: we drove two vehicles because we were taking my old Subaru to my dad. One of us got a speeding ticket in North Carolina...for speeding (guess who it was!). We stopped in Harrisburg, PA for 6 hours sleep on the way down.
More photos in flickr, naturally.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

with the threat of snow comes adventure

Last weekend we decided to go on a little adventure to Worcester, Massachusetts to get an EZ pass thing-a-ma-bob for our spring break travels. No pictures, because, well, it was Worcester. But then, sort of on a whim, we decided to go to the Connecticut Home Show in Hartford, Connecticut. It was fun. We looked at little houses.

Seal Pup 1.0 met a Lego Boy just his size...

We checked out sprinkler systems (which we had no intention of buying, but the demo was fun).

And we did it all in style in our new Seal Mobile, a fun mini-van that SP1.0 has dubbed "Rocket" (yes, like the Rocket of Little Einsteins fame); but, the name is entirely subject to change, he also tossed out names like, "Mini-van, Table and Toothbrush." No, I don't know either.

After our adventures on Saturday, the northeast was slammed with snow the following Sunday. We got our biggest snowfall all season; I think we received about 8-10 inches of snow. It may not seem like much to midwesterners; but, it was enough for a snow day the following Monday.

So we all got cozy at home and celebrated a 3 day weekend.

There are a couple more pictures in flickr (surprise!!). We are heading out for the "Seals Go South Tour of 2009" this weekend, so we will have some fun adventures to share, I am sure. If I have an interneat connection I will try to do incremental updates, as a final post to sum up the whole trip would be a little crazy-making. Stay warm and smile!