The last month or so have been filled with everyday doings for us (really, each of these things could have been a separate blog post; but, I plead laziness--sorry).
We went to Sailfest, our town's celebration of sail.
We went to a national model train show held in Hartford, which was pretty fun.

SP 1.0 had his first exposure to Ethiopian food. He is a fan, suprisingly.

Papa went to Florida to take care of some family business for me, since I don't have any vacation time to speak of at the moment. I stayed at home with the pups which as a little tiring.

We spent some time at the beach.

That was fun; but, SP 2.0 is, decidedly, not a fan.

We went to the Greater Hartford Quilt Show, which was really fun (for one of us anways).

Just summer doings. What have you been up to?
I put up pictures of our doings in
flickr (surprise!).