Monday, December 7, 2009


Last week we celebrated SP 2.0's advancement in years (or to a year, I guess). The (big) Little Guy turned one year old, and we celebrated the best way we knew how, we threw him a party. A big one. We threw a toljabee.

We observed Korean ceremonial celebrations.
Oh, look. He is going to eat well for the rest of his life. Shocker.

As well as American ones.
There was good fun (and a wardrobe change).
And now SP2.0 is no longer a baby (technically).There are more photos in flickr, I have not done any editing on the photos, so what you see is what you get. I just needed to get the pictures up before my mother started calling me about them, because she was probably wondering where they were last night.
Please excuse me while I go and reconcile the fact that I now have two "big boys."


Ashley and Henry said...

Nova the boys are adorable... growing sooo fast! Hope you have a happy holiday season!

The Pampered Bride said...

Happy Birthday Dash!! Looks like it was a blast!

The "M" Family said...

Your caption about Dash grabbing chopsticks cracks me up. Dru grabbed a book (yes, our resident and Marley grabbled money. Loved the pictures, Nova!!! Miss and love you guys!