Friday, April 30, 2010

we saw sheep, we saw wool

Last weekend the Seal Pups and I (Papa Seal, went to the Academy for a day's worth of meetings) headed north to Vernon Rockville, Connecticut to attend the 101st Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival. We tend to enjoy these things, so we had fun. We had so much fun that we are heading south to Maryland for the weekend to attend the largest sheep and wool festival in the U.S.
We hope your weekend is going to be a fun one, too (whether sheep are in the forecast or not).
More pics in flickr!

Friday, April 23, 2010

spring has sprung

It occurred to me that this blog was still celebrating SP1.0's birthday, so clearly, it is time for an update. I meant to post after Easter; but, we were too busy chasing bunnies (we were also cleaning out our basment which got flooded when the northeast was hit with all those rainstorms, but let's not dwell on that).
We haven't been doing much besides enjoying the spring weather and trying to get out of doors as much as possible. We spend an inordinate amount of time outside blowing bubbles. Bubbles have, apparently, become our thing.
We have turned the learning of bike riding into a family affair.
There was kite day at school again. Someone may be over any sort of wariness he had about flying kites in years previous.
Kite day was an important day for the record books, it was the day that I may have conceded and admitted to Papa Seal that Seal Pup 2.0 did, indeed, need a haircut (sometimes his 'do maks Amy Winehouse appear well-groomed).
So we did that. First haircut, went okay. It was just a trim, because his curls are awesome.
And I got a new partner in meal planning. He is very opinionated.
We are going to see some sheep this weekend, so there will probably be cute pictures in the corner of the itnernet net week.

Have a good weekend!

Monday, April 5, 2010


I almost forgot to share the news of our fourth anniversary of parenthood (or, Seal Pup 1.0's fourth birthday--it's all in how you look at it, I guess).
It was pretty low-key. There was birthday week and lots of presents, a birthday dinner and a special birthday cake ("strawberry" again).
A small party was had, and by party, I mean two sets of family friends, balloons and pizza. And there was a bike...with training wheels (and a helmet). Someone was suitably spoiled.

More birthday celebration picaroos in flickr!