Thursday, August 16, 2007

meet me in st. louie, louie, or, feeling hot hot hot

We got back from a trip to St. Louis a few days ago. We drove the 18 hour drive to get there and needed to recuperate (mental note: driving more than 8 hours at a time with a toddler is not such a good idea).

St. Louis is a fun city, it is also a hot city during the summer (we saw the thermometer go over 100 quite often, very exciting). The original impetus for our trip to the great mid-west was a wedding for one of Papa Seal's cousins. The wedding was put on hiatus when the groom had to have surgery in Germany and needed to stay there to recover. So the wedding turned into a family reunion of sorts.

The intense heat drove many decisions as far as entertainment. Papa Seal basically summed it up thusly, "we need to find things to do indoors. We don't need to be outside." That said, we did try to convince the Seal Pup that sitting in 100 degree heat on a muggy day to get your picture taken at the arch was fun. It sort of worked, but not really. If we were outside, the Pup just wasn't happy.

In any case, we did a lot of museum activities.

We went to The Magic House, which is St. Louis' children's museum. To say that Anders had fun with his cousins there would be the understatement of the century. They all had a pretty good time.

But they had more fun at the City Museum (even if they got startled every now and again).

The City Museum is a really interesting and fun place. We all found something to occupy our interests there. There was a fun little Toddler Town section, but I think older kids would enjoy this place most, especially if they like exploring and climbing about. There are are also other activites of a more sedantary nature.

Kirgami, anyone?

Kelly's mom and I had a Japanese paper cutting session where we made animal snowflakes.

It was a lot of fun. I bought books to make the doo-dads at home sometime.

There was also a roller coast for the toddlers. Seal Pup and his cousin, Adventure Girl, had a great time.

And there was cotton candy...just what kids need at dinner time, right?

There was a fun dinner at Rigazzi's one evening. Rigazzi's is the site of very good Italian food (a certain kind of cheese called Provel is used with great frequency at the resturant...and generally in St. Louis. I thought it tasted a bit like Cheese Wiz, but what do I know?),

it's also the home of the fishbowl.... A fishbowl of beer. I have no idea why anyone would need to be served beer--or any beverage-- in a 32 ounce bowl; but, there you are.

We also went to a lunch gathering when the wedding would have taken place. Instead of nuptials, there was basketball.
Lots of basketball.

The kids went a little nuts.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, the Mama Seal did indeed find a yarn shop thanks to the keen navigating and driving skills of a good sisterly seal.

St. Louis was fun, despite the heat. We aren't sure if we will be able to make it back for the wedding since school is about to start; but, we would love to go back to St. Louie, Louie...maybe when it's not so hot.

Tons more photographic fun is over in flickr.


Suzy said...

We are finally home from the midwest. We enjoyed the pictures. I will try to post on our new blog in the next few days.

In the mean time, I found a magnet with the arch like you wanted. I will send it as soon as I unpack. We went back the next day and hung out in the museum.

Talk to you soon.
Sisterly Seal

The "M" Family said...

An 18 hour drive with a toddler? WOW. We are contemplating that drive up to Boston this fall with Dru. We shouldn't do it, huh?

Looks like ya'll had fun. I hate the heat, also. When will the madness end?

Hate to hear the wedding was on hold, but glad to hear ya'll got a chance to catch up with family.

Katie said...

Wow, Anders just radiates great character, don't ya think?

knkseals said...

just testing something.

knkseals said...

just checking something. I'm having some trouble with blogger.