Back in AUGUST (I know!) we went to Washington DC. Papa Seal had a conference, so the rest of us tagged along. I put the pictures in
flickr (there are tons of pictures there for the viewing, really--and some of them are hilarious), but never posted about it. We had a good time.
We were able to meet up with my friend Pin.
And the pups and I got a chance to see a lot of the Mall while Papa went to training sessions.
After we got back from DC we kept ourselves busy. I finished a book chapter for a book being published next spring. Get excited.
Papa tore apart our downstairs bathroom to renovate it.
Seal Pup 2.0 had surgery on his ears.
And we decided to buy a new house while trying to also sell the one we are currently living in. So now we are packing. Good times!
I am sure we did other things that are probably worth mentioning, but I can't think of them now. I will try to be better about updating, so as not to make you think the blog is defunct, because it isn't. I just haven't prioritized updating, which is usually my biggest blogger pet peave (unless, or course, I am the one not blogging). But now we're back.