Thursday, November 20, 2008

a boy and a train

So it's that time of the year in Connecticut. The time of year when Thomas the Tank Engine comes to town--or close to town. We wandered over to Essex, Connecticut for a day with the smling train.

While the parental units debated the charm factor of the train on an older and wiser Seal Pup--he had so much fun last year, would it be the same this time? Better? A bust?), the pup relished in the day's activities.

Proving that we, indeed, truly don't know anything.

Leave it to the tot to school the 'rents.

More pictures from the day are in flickr, of course.

Next up...raking up dead leaves. A New England tradition.


The "M" Family said...

don't messv with a boy and his trains! lovung your pregnant belly! onto flickr to look @ more train fun!

The "M" Family said...

ok...i can spell...just holding a very wiggly 9 mo old!