Saturday, May 12, 2012

just another birthday...

I celebrated another birthday today.  We did it with style and panache (and presents!!), and a fair amount of nerdification, because that, my friends, it how we roll.
After gifts and singing, we went to a library book sale in New London, Connecticut.  I am not going to lie, finding a pickling book for $1 pretty much made it worth the trip there for me, it was like the New London Public Library gave me a birthday gift (with a minimal service charge).
And then we went to the circus.  This wasn't necessarily my original plan, it just happened to be when we were all available to go.  And Papa figured if he had to suffer through it, I should have the privilege as well.  The Pups loved it though, so there's that.
And then Papa and the pups gave me the gift of time.  I dyed a bunch of wool and took a bunch of pictures, effectively knocking out requirements for two classes.  While I was being productive and academic they made me a birthday cake.
It was a great day.

Friday, May 4, 2012

second verse, same as the first

We all trekked to Providence, Rhode Island last weekend for one more studio shoot in RISD's photo lab.  It was a good time.
 A few more studio shots in flickr.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

kite day 2012

Seal Pup 2.0 celebrated the annual Kite Day yesterday with the Seal Parentals.  It was a good time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

like apple pie

So Seal Pup 1.0 is into baseball right now.  I don't mean that "he likes it," or that "he thinks it's fun," or that "he enjoys hitting and catching," what I mean to say is that this child is sort of obsessed. 
He hearts baseball to distraction.  And when you love it that much, it's only fitting that you score your team's first run in the very first game of the season.
Go Blue Claws (or Blue Crabs, there is still some disagreement about the team's name, but there you are).

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

we heart nyc (the 2012 edition)

When it comes to the Pups, we try hard to make dreams and wishes come true, we really do. So when Pup the Elder said he wanted to go to New York and see the Statue of Liberty...well, sure, why not?  We had to deal with a small bout of the stomach flu and it's contagion to half the family; but, mostly, it was a good trip.  I mean, we figured out the subway system (sort of).
We ate at the Barking Dog, which was pretty good.
We had a fine Korean meal at Han Bat (not the best we've ever had, but it was good).
The kids lost their minds at's Candy Bar.
And we went to see the exterior of the Guggenheim (Pup the Younger called it the "Guggenheimler" which was cute.  Maybe you had to be there).
More pictures in flickr, of course.