Monday, August 10, 2009

and things here

The last month or so have been filled with everyday doings for us (really, each of these things could have been a separate blog post; but, I plead laziness--sorry).

We went to Sailfest, our town's celebration of sail.

We went to a national model train show held in Hartford, which was pretty fun.

SP 1.0 had his first exposure to Ethiopian food. He is a fan, suprisingly.
Papa went to Florida to take care of some family business for me, since I don't have any vacation time to speak of at the moment. I stayed at home with the pups which as a little tiring.

We spent some time at the beach.

That was fun; but, SP 2.0 is, decidedly, not a fan.
We went to the Greater Hartford Quilt Show, which was really fun (for one of us anways).

Just summer doings. What have you been up to?

I put up pictures of our doings in flickr (surprise!).


Katie said...

Both your little guys' personalities just shine through in the photos. Miss you!

Rocky Cole said...

Things here!

The Pampered Bride said...

Glad to hear you survived the week! We are heading out to CA Wednesday...I am going alone with both kids so I could use lots of prayers!!!!

Ashley and Henry said...

Oh Nova! the are so handsome and getting so big! Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

hi nova!

i saw your blog link on facebook and have been checking it out. you and kelly have two of the most adorable kids on the planet. congrats!

steph (sheridan) martin