Tuesday, November 2, 2010

do you remember that time we had two costumes?

I never really cared for Halloween before, to be honest. Quite frankly, it seemed like a lot of work for minimal reward--if I want candy, I can just go to the store and buy it. I am sure this quirk was fostered by my own parents who were nervous about me traipsing about in our own neighborhood at night for candy, sometimes from strangers...I mean really, people, the whole trick or treating business is a perfect risk assessment scenario...but I digress. This is the first year that I really got into Halloween. I didn't dress up at all, I did that last year to humor Pup 1.0, the pay off was minimal, so I invested my time more accordingly this year.
So because I overestimated my own sewing abilities and because we are a little busy packing and moving right now (let's be honest, my clothes sewing skills, they are somewhat laughter inducing--sorry mom, I should have paid more attention), I was unable to make the costumes, or rather two black suits, which now in hindsight was probably for the best. I mean really, what was I thinking? Because I waited around too long to order the black suits, the pups had no costumes for the Halloween parade at school, which any 4 year old will tell you, is the end of the world.
And someone had his heart on being Jake Blues for the last two months (seriously, we have been watching You Tube videos and listening to albums, it was a big deal, Pup 2.0 was kind of clueless, but he liked the whole "people give me candy" thing--and by people I mean co-workers because the Halloween parade is all about Papa's co-workers and when we trick or treat we go to local friends and my co-workers, 5-6 houses, the kids will catch on to this one day, I am sure).

In order to fix the "no costume situation", I stayed up into the wee hours of the day of the Halloween parade and prepped robot gear. That is how Anderdroid 1.0 and Dashbot 1.0 were born.You won't see many photos of Pup 2.0 in the bot-box though, he was all about the box before it was shiny and colorful, afterwards, you know, after I spent 2 hours making the costume, he was less enamored.
It was a good Halloween. We hope yours was similarly joyful, if you are into that sort of thing...it's totally okay if you aren't though. Flickr has more Halloween shots, should you be interested in viewing them.

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