Wednesday, January 5, 2011

out with the old, in with the new

Due to personal injury (and perhaps a little bit of stupidity), this post is happening a little later than I had planned. I threw out my back while lifting Pup 2.0 from a snowbank (because my life is full of glamour like that). I also sliced into my thumb while washing a pot (not one of my finer moments of 2010, but there you are). In any case, we had a great Christmas. We hope you did too.The pups were royally spoiled. Papa and I agreed that this year was a little...excessive.
We did our traditional Christmas Curry (it'a really ust chicken curry, but if you say it's Christmas Curry, it makes it sound really festive) for dinner, tasty and easy! We take the (extremely) low stress approach to Christmas dinner.
We made pear cake, because is sounded good (it tasted good too).
We took advantage of the after Christmas snow (storm?) to do a little sledding in the back yard. I think snow sports will probably be enjoyed more by Papa and Seal Pup 1.0, because Seal Pup 2.0 and I are the only ones who think that whole playing in the snow business when it's 10 degrees outside is crazypants.We spent our New Year's Eve at the public library in our new neighborhood, because we know how to party. Fun and functional at the same time, library cards for all!
We partied so hard, none of us really made it to midnight. But that's okay, it just means we will be well rested for a great 2011, or something, I have no idea; but, we are looking forward to a great new year.
Happy New Year! And of course, there are lots more pictures in flickr.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Awesome post, Nova. I hope the new house is treating you well. It looks great, and the kids aren't so bad themselves. XOXO